Dr. iur. Peter S. Dickstein
Specialist Lawyer for Insurance Law
Bank merchant
Dr. iur. Peter S. Dickstein has been working as a lawyer since 1990. From the onset, the focus of his work has been on insurance and bank law.
In 1995 he pursued his doctorate in insurance law (in life insurance law) at the Institute of Insurance Law of the University of Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Gerit Winter) and since 2011 he has been qualified as a Certified Specialist in Insurance Law. As a specialist lawyer he must undergo further training of 15 hours every year (cf. the Specialist Lawyers Regulations ‘FAO’).
Particularly in the field of insurance law specialist knowledge is required to represent clients in the best possible way. In the course of his work and ongoing training, Dr. Dickstein always keeps up to date with the latest judgements and legislation, which is indispensable for the successful handling of each individual case.
Dr. Dickstein is the author of various specialized publications concerning insurance law, including the insurer’s right to cut back benefits in the event of gross negligence on part of the policy holder.
As a qualified banker Dr. Dickstein also has the specialized expertise that the field of bank law demands. In addition, he has successfully completed his training to become a specialist attorney for bank and capital market law.
Dr. Dickstein has a successful track record of representing clients in cases of erroneous advice given by financial institutions in the investment sector, loan terminations as well as cancellation of loan agreements due to defective cancellation policies. In collaboration with his partner Ines Schamburg-Dickstein – specialist lawyer for tax law – he also advises clients regarding the granting of loans.
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Business Card:
Dr. Peter S. Dickstein
Specialist lawyer for insurance law
Bank merchant
Neuer Wall 61
20354 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 35 01 97 60
Fax: +49 40 35 01 97 61
Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Versicherungswissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg e. V.
Freunde des Seminars für Versicherungswissenschaft der Uni HH e.V.
DAV Arge Versicherungsrecht
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Bankrechtliche Vereinigung - Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Bankrecht
Gesellschaft Hamburger Juristen e. V.
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